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Expert Witness Testimony in Car Accident Cases

What Kinds of Experts Might You Need? How Can They Help You?

Expert Witness Testimony in Car Accident CasesIn the aftermath of a motor vehicle accident, as you try to recover full and fair compensation for your losses, the services of an expert witness are critical. In some cases, it is easy to prove liability—the at-fault party might admit to negligence, or there may be a number of witnesses who agree about what they saw. But often, different parties with different vantage points tell different stories, based on what was visible from their location. In addition, other elements of your claim—the details of medical or financial losses, for example—may not be so straightforward. That’s when the services of an expert witness are critical.

What Types of Witnesses Are Commonly Used for Motor Vehicle Accident Claims?

When you suffer injuries in a car wreck, the two most important things you must show are:

  • What caused the accident, and who was responsible
  • What losses you suffered because of the accident

A common method for establishing the cause of a motor vehicle accident is to have an accident reconstruction specialist review all the evidence and prepare an assessment. This specialist identifies all vehicles involved, determines their respective rates of speed, and ascertains who was at fault, using scientific analysis and engineering principles. Accident reconstruction specialists typically use computer modeling or simulations, crash tests, and other procedures to make their findings.

To accurately calculate the full measure of your losses after an accident, your attorney may bring in a medical expert and/or financial expert. The medical expert, usually a doctor, testifies regarding the type, cause, and anticipated consequences of your injuries, including the care you’ll require moving forward. The financial expert typically runs projections of future losses, such as unearned income and unreimbursed medical expenses.

Contact Howard D. Popper, P.C.

At Howard D. Popper, P.C., we can help protect your rights. For a free initial consultation to discuss your options after any type of motor vehicle accident, contact our office online or call 973-993-8787 to set up an appointment. We have offices in Morristown and Newton.

We handle all car accident claims on a contingent-fee basis. You won’t pay any attorney fees unless we recover damages for your losses.