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The Types of Injuries Covered by Workers’ Compensation

Injuries-Covered-by-Workers'-CompensationIn New Jersey, there are two specific requirements that must be met before you are eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits—you must show that you suffered an injury, and you must show that the injury occurred in the workplace. The workers’ compensation laws are generally no-fault laws—there’s no need to show negligence or carelessness—you only have to show that you were actually working when you were hurt.

The Injuries Covered by Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation provides coverage for almost all work-related injuries, from joint and connective tissue injury to bruises, cuts and muscle trauma. Your injuries don’t need to be the result of a traumatic event—you can successfully recover workers’ compensation benefits for repetitive stress or motion injuries, as well as occupational illness or disease.

The different types of injuries specifically covered by workers’ compensation include:

  • Traumatic brain injury or spinal cord trauma
  • Broken bones
  • Head, back or neck injury
  • Knee, elbow, shoulder, hip, ankle or wrist injury
  • Loss of sight or hearing
  • Scarring or permanent disfigurement
  • Burns
  • Amputation or loss of limb
  • Wrongful death

Excluded Injuries under the New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Laws

There are also a number of situations where you won’t be able to recover workers’ compensation benefits:

  • You suffered an injury while involved in conduct that violated the law
  • Your injury occurred while you were under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs
  • A pre-existing condition will generally preclude you to compensation, unless you can demonstrate that it was aggravated by your current job.
  • You were attacked by a co-worker or someone whose reasons were not tied your job
  • Your own attempts to injure yourself

Contact Our Office

For a free initial consultation, contact our office online or call us at 973-993-8787. We have office locations in Morristown and Newton, but will visit you in your home or the hospital, if necessary.

We take all personal injury claims on a contingency basis. You will not incur legal fees unless attorney Popper recovers compensation for your losses.

Prior results are no guarantee of a specific outcome in your case. Your results may vary based on your particular facts and circumstances.