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What to Do If Your Employer Fails to Report Your Workplace Injury

What Are Your Options When Your Employer Refuses to Notify the Work Comp Insurance Provider?

What to Do If Your Employer Fails to Report Your Workplace InjuryYou’ve been hurt on the job in New Jersey. You’ve notified your employer in a timely manner and even sought medical attention. Your employer, though, refuses to report the accident to the workers’ compensation insurance company, so you haven’t started to receive any benefits. What are your options? How can you move your claim forward?

Step #1—Report the Injury Yourself

There is nothing to prevent you from directly notifying the workers’ compensation insurance provider of your injury. Your employer is typically required to post information about your workers’ compensation coverage in the workplace. You should be able to get the name, address and phone number of the carrier from this posting. Of course, this can be a complex and daunting process. In most instances, it will be in your best interests to bring in a lawyer to handle your claim.

Step #2—Hire an Experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorney

This may be the most important reason why your first step, after any type of workplace injury, should be to retain proven workers’ compensation counsel. Your employer has a financial interest in minimizing the number of claims reported to the work comp insurance carrier. The more claims made against the policy, the higher the work comp premiums will be moving forward. When you hire a knowledgeable and aggressive lawyer, you can typically circumvent your employer and have your attorney notify the carrier directly.

Contact Howard D. Popper, P.C.

At Howard D. Popper, P.C., we can help protect your rights. For a free initial consultation to discuss your options after any type of personal injury, contact our office online or call 973-993-8787 to set up an appointment. We have offices in Morristown and Newton.

We handle all personal injury claims on a contingent fee basis. You won’t pay any attorney fees unless we recover damages for your losses.

Prior results are no guarantee of a specific outcome in your case. Your results may vary based on your particular facts and circumstances.