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Why You Need an Experienced Lawyer to Handle Your NJ Auto Accident Claim

Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Involve Complex Legal and Factual Considerations

Making the Wrong Legal Decisions Can Be Costly

Why-You-Need-an-Experienced-Lawyer-to-Handle-Your-NJ-Auto-Accident-Claim-imgYou’re injured in a motor vehicle collision and the facts seem to be pretty straightforward. Maybe you think you can save yourself attorney fees by working directly with your insurance company, or maybe you have a referral to a lawyer who’s primary practice is family or criminal law, but who has handled some personal injury claims in the past. Don’t settle for representation from anyone other than an attorney who fully understands the complexities of New Jersey auto insurance law. It can cost you thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of dollars!

How Can an Experienced Lawyer Help You after a New Jersey Automobile Accident?

When you’ve been hurt in a car, truck or motorcycle wreck, the first place you typically look for payment of your losses is insurance. New Jersey’s Personal Injury Protection, or PIP, approach is one of the more complex insurance systems in the country. Most attorneys who don’t deal with PIP-type claims on a regular basis find it confusing and often intimidating. A knowledgeable lawyer will know what losses are covered, what benefits are available, and how to most effectively insure that you get everything to which you are entitled under the policy.

A proven motor vehicle accident attorney will also understand the nature of the injuries commonly sustained in a motor vehicle accident. What types of medical care can you reasonably expect to need and for how long? How do you demonstrate the full extent of your injuries (both now and in the future) to a judge and jury? Do you need expert witness testimony? How do you effectively prepare expert witnesses?

Contact Howard D. Popper, P.C.

At Howard D. Popper, P.C., we can help protect your rights. We have decades of experience handling all types of motor vehicle accident claims in New Jersey. We are intimately familiar with all the legal issues related to PIP claims. For a free initial consultation to discuss your options after a motor vehicle accident injury, contact our office online or call 973-993-8787 to set up an appointment. We have offices in Morristown and Newton.

We handle all personal injury claims on a contingent fee basis. You won’t pay any attorney fees unless we recover damages for your losses.

Prior results are no guarantee of a specific outcome in your case. Your results may vary based on your particular facts and circumstances.